Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Czech Christmas dinner and Christmas party 19. - 20. 12. 2015

It has become a tradition to host Czech Christmas dinner and then Christmas party with friends. The Czech Christmas dinner has changed over the years, we started with friends no kids, now there were 7 children, 9 adults. The dinner was nice, but no way we could actually eat at the same time... :) The next day we had other friends over. We played traditional games and had fun. Adam was very good baby :)

Uz se to stalo tradici, ze poradame ceskou vanocni veceri a vecirek s kamarady. Ceska vanocni vecere se za leta trochu zmenila, zacinali jsme s kamarady bez deti, ted jsme meli 7 deti, 9 dospelych. Vecere byla dobra, ale nehrozilo, ze bychom jedli ve stejnou dobu... :) Nasledujici den jsem prisli dalsi kamaradi. Hrali jsme tradicni hry a uzivali si to. Adam byl velice hodne miminko.

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