Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Czech Republic - 5.6. - 12.7. 2010

I went home after 3,5 years and to make it worth it I spent in Europe 5 weeks. Two weeks in France with my mum and sister and three weeks in the Czech Republic, where I mainly visited most of my relatives and friends, ate a lot of good Czech food and enjoyed hot Czech summer. :)

Jela jsem domu po 3,5 letech a tak aby to stalo za to stravila jsem v Evrope 5 tydnu. Dva tydny ve Francii s maminkou a sestrou a tri tydny v Ceske republice, kde jsem navstivila vetsinu pribuznych a kamaradu, jedla hodne ceskeho jidla a uzivala si horkeho ceskeho leta. :)