Monday, May 6, 2013

Wildflower Triatlon 4. - 5. 5. 2013

I am not sure when I started to think about doing a triatlon, but I knew that if I don't sign up for one, I will never start to train properly. So sometime in the fall I managed to persuade Eric to sign up for Wildflower triatlon in May and we could start to train... and then we got engaged and started with wedding preparation so the training went down and then Eric got injured and training went down even more... I was just hoping that 1500 m swim, 40 km bike ride and 10 km run is not that much, and I should be able to do it even with not much training. The part I was afraid of the most was the swim, I trained in pool and only once I went for swim in a lake. I also signed up for tri on lake so I don't have to deal with ocean water, but the wind the day of the race was so strong that it felt like in the ocean, it wasn't my best swim, but it was the first time I swam such a distance without any stopping. I like biking, but not so much on steep downhill, I don't like going too fast. The course had quite a few hills and again strong wind didn't help me feel safe on the bike. The run was the really fun part of the race. I know I would like to sign up for another race, I enjoyed it, but I think I found out that I am mostly runner.

Nejsem si jista, kdy jsem zacala premyslet o triatlonu, ale vedela jsem, ze pokud se na nejaky neprihlasim, tak nikdy nezacnu poradne trenovat. Nekdy napodzim se me podarilo presvedcit Erica a prihlasili jsem se na Wildflower triatlon v kvetnu a mohli jsme zacit s treninkem... a pak jsem se zasnoubili a zacali pripravovat svatbu a trenik povolil a pak se Eric zranil a trenink povolil jeste vice... Ja jsem jed doufala, ze uplavat 1500 m, zajet na kole 40 km a zabehnout 10 km neni tak moc a ze bych to mela zvladnout i kdyz nebudu moc trenovat. Cast, ze ktere jsem mela nevetsi strach bylo plavani, trenovala jsem v bazenu a jen jednou jsem si zasla zaplavat na jezero. Take jsem si vybrala triatlon na jezere, abych se nemusela potykat s oceanem, ale v den zavodu byl takovy vichr, ze to pripominalo ocean. Nebylo to me nejlepsi plavani, ale bylo to poprve, co jsem zaplavala takovou vzdalenost bez odpocinku. Rada jezdim nakole, ale ne moc rada z prudkych kopcu, nerada jedu moc rychle. Trasa zavodu mela pomerne hodne kopcu a opet silny vitr nepomohl tomu, ze jsem se necitila na kole moc bezpecne. Beh byl posledni nejprijemnejsi casti. Vim, ze se budu chtit zapsat na dalsi zavod, uzila jsem si to, ale myslim, ze jsem hlavne bezec.