Monday, October 19, 2020

Great Basin and Death Valley NP 3. - 13. 10. 2020

This pandemic year we didn't have really any vacation. We did a lot of weekend camping and backpacking in close by Sierras though. Since we needed a little bit bigger break, we decided to visit two National parks. One in Nevada - Great Basin and one on the boarder with Nevada - Death Valley.We drove the first day about 10 hours to get near Great Basin NP and we stayed in a hotel in near by town. In the morning we drove to the park and luckily we were able to get one of the best campsites in the park. We couldn't reserve any spot online, so we were little bit nervous, but luckily it wasn't a problem. We stayed 4 nights at the park. The park is above 10000 ft and we could feel the elevation. During the nights the temperature went under 32 F, but during the day it was just warm enough. We did several hikes.On Thursday we drove about 6 hours to Death Valley NP. Originally we were planning on camping there too, but just before we left for our trip, we change our mind. The temperatures during the day should get up to 100 and during Covid times the campsite visitors didn't have access to a pool. On top of that the smoke from California's fires were visible there. So we reserved hotel room, which didn't share entrance and had patio, so we could use our stove and prepare our meals. We spent 4 nights at the hotel. At Death valley we did less hikes, but a lot of sightseeing. Our drive home on Monday took about 8 hours.

Tento pandemicky rok jsme nemeli vpodstate zadnou dovolenou. Ale byli jsme na mnoha kempovani a vyletu do hor behem tydne v horach Sierras. Protoze jsme potrebovali vetsi pauzu, rozhodli jsme se navstivit dva narodni parky. Jeden v nevade - Great Basin a jeden na hranici s Nevadou - Death Valley. 
Prvni den jsme jeli asi 10 hodin k parku Great Basin, prespali jsme v hotelu ve mestecku pobliz parku. Rano jsme pak jeli do narodniho parku a meli jsme stesti, ze se nam podarilo ziskat jedno z dobrych mist na kempovani. Kemp jsme si nemohli rezervovat dopredu pres Internet, tak jsme byli trochu nervozni, ale nastesti to nebyl problem. Zustali jsme 4 noci v parku. Park je v nadmorske vysce nad 3000 m n a my jsme tu nadmorskou vysku docela pocitovali. Behem noci teplota klesla pod 0 C, ale behem dne bylo tak akorat teplo. Sli jsme na nekolik vyslapu. 
Ve ctvrtek jsme jeli asi 6 hodin do Death Valley NP. Puvodne jsme take tady chteli kempovat, ale par dni pred tim nez jsme vyjeli na nas vylet jsme zmenily plan. Teploty behem dne se blizili k 40 C a behem pandemie Covid ti co kempuji nemaji pristup do bazenu. Navic kour z kalifornskych pozaru byl videt i tam. Tak jsme zarezervovali hotelovy pokoj, ktery nemel spolecny vchod a mel maly prostor za pokojem, kde jsme mohli pripravovat nase jidla. Tady jsme zustali take 4 noci. V Death Valley jsme sli na mene vyslapu, ale zato jsme videli spoustu zajimavosti. Nase cesta v pondeli domu trvala asi 8 hodin.