Saturday, April 19, 2008

Birthday - Narozeniny (13.4.2008)

This year I celebrated my birthday with my friends in Vasona park. It was hot spring day so great weather for BBQ and some games!

Tento rok jsem oslavila narozeniny v parku Vasona. Byl teply jarni den - idealni pocasi na grilovani a hry!

So firstly there was a soccer ball on the tree.... then the guys tried to get it down with a football ball until it got stuck there too.....

Nejdrive byl balon na fotbal na strome.... pak se kluci snazili jej sundat balonem na americky fotbal az i ten tam zustal....

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Bon Jovi (2.4.08)

This was the best concert so far! (Not that I would actually have seen too many)Firstly we saw Daughtry, which wasn't bad either and then Bon Jovi had a great 2 hours show! We (Petra and I) sat quite in back, but still the atmosphere was great. The photos are not very good, and the short videos are not great too - especially because I couldn't stop moving....

Toto byl zatim ten nejlepsi koncert na kterem jsem byla! (Ne ze bych byla zase ale na mnoha)Nejdrive jsme videli Daughtry, ktery take nebyl vubec spatny a pak nastoupil Bon Jovi s jeho 2hodinovym vystoupenim! Sedeli jsme (Petra a ja) sice docela vzadu, ale it tak atmosfera byla uzasna. Fotky nejsou nic moc a kratke videa asi take ne - zvlaste protoze jsem nedokazala se prestat hybat do rytmu hudby!