Monday, March 3, 2014

Yosemite - Ahwahnee hotel with Gillian and Paul 1. - 2. 3. 2014

Sometime last year I found out that Gillian and Paul, the family I worked for in England, were coming for a vacation to California. I haven't seen them in more than 10 years, so I was really excited about their visit. They were going to stay in Yosemite their first weekend in CA. I used this as an excuse to plan a trip to Yosemite too. When they found out our visits would overlap, they were incredibly generous and offered to host us at the Ahwahnee - dinner, room, and even breakfast the next day. We first met on Friday for quick tour around Google and then dinner. On Saturday, Eric and I drove to the park and went for a short hike to Clark point. In the evening we enjoyed the amazing atmosphere of the hotel by their enormous fireplace and then a delicious dinner. On Sunday morning after breakfast, and saying bye to Gillian and Paul, we drove to Badger pass. The trip to Dewey point and back was really fast on our skis; the only downside was the weather, which prevented us from seeing much of the valley.

Minuly rok jsem dozvedela, ze Gillian a Paul, rodina pro kterou jsme pracovala v Anglii, planuje dovolenou v Kalifornii. Nevidela jsem je pres 10 let, a tak jsem se na jejich navstevu moc tesila. Planovali jet do Yosemite prvni vikend v Kalifornii a ja jsem toho vyuzila a naplanovala jsem vylet do Yosemite take. Kdyz zjistili, ze nase navstevy se prekryvaji, byli neuveritelne stredri a zaplatili nam pobyt v Ahwahnee hotelu - veceri, pokoj a dokonce snidani druhy den. Nejdrive jsem se potkali v patek vecer na veceri a rychlou prohlidku Googlu. V sobotu jsme s Ericem jeli do parku a zasli na kratky vyslap ke Clark point. Vecer jsme si uzivali uzasne atmosfery hotelu u obrovskeho krbu a pote u vyborne vecere. V nedeli rano jsme se po snidani rozloucili s Gillian a Paulem a jeli k Badger pass. Vylet k Dewey point byl na bezkach velice rychly, jedinne minus bylo pocasi, ktere nam nedovolovalo videt nic moc z udoli.