Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Yosemite - Labor day weekend 5. - 7. 9. 2015

Long weekends are usually good for backpacking, but since carrying heavy objects are off the limit now, we went at least to my favorite national park - Yosemite. On Saturday we visited Glacier point where we got married about 2 years ago, and took some nicer photos of my pregnancy. On Sunday and Monday we did short hikes. It was really busy weekend, but the worse part weren't so much too many people, but smoky conditions from a fire.

Prodlouzeny vikend je vetsinou dobry na vyslap do hor pres noc, ale jelikoz noseni tezkych veci ted po nejakou dobu neni mozne, tak jsme alespon jeli do meho oblibeneho parku - Yosemite. V sobotu jsme navstivili Glacier point, misto kde jsme se asi pred 2 lety brali, a udelali jsme par peknych fotek zachycujici me tehotenstvi. V nedeli a pondeli jsme vyrazili na kratsi vyslapy. Byl to velice rusny vikend, ale nejhorsi casti nebylo to mnozstvi lidi, ale hlavne kour z lesniho pozaru.

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