Monday, July 20, 2015

Tahoe National Forest 16. - 19. 7. 2015

Since I got pregnant we stop going backpacking, and switched to camping. This time we went to area north of Lake Tahoe. None of us were there before, so it was a nice change. The area has a lot of lakes and mountains. We did hiked every day, and most days we even went for a swim. Petra, Miro, Eliska and Natalka joined us for most of the days, Martin just for the weekend.

Od te doby, co jsem otehotnela jsme prestali chodit do hor s batohama, ale zacali jsme vice kempovat. Tentokrat jsme vyrazili do oblesti severne od Lake Tahoe. Nikdo z nas tam predtim nebyl a tak to byla hezka zmena. Ta oblast je plna jezer a hor. Kazdy den jsme vyrazili na vyslap a vetsinu dnu jsme se i koupali. Petra, Miro, Eliska a Natalka se k nam pripojili vetsinu dni, Martin pak jen na vikend.

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