Sunday, June 28, 2015

Big Island, Hawaii 13. - 21. 6. 2015

My summer vacation started with trip to Hawaii. We chose the Big Island because we haven't been there yet and should have many options for exploration. The first half of the week we spent on the eastern part. We stayed in town Hilo and made trips from here, like the Volcanic National Park, Botanic Garden, Waipi'o valley, etc. On this side of the island there are not really any beaches, but we managed to find some place to swim. The second half of our holiday we stayed at Kona, which is much touristy area, with more beaches and places for snorkeling. We had a great time, the temperature wasn't too high, but humid and I realized that I rather play in snow than hot weather.

Moje letni prazdniny zacali vyletem na Hawaii. Vybrali jsme si Velky Ostrov, protoze jsme tady jeste nebyli a mel mit hodne moznosti k vyletum. Prvni polovinu tydne jsme stravili na zapadnim pobrezi. Ubytovali jsme se ve meste Hilo a odtud jsme podnikali vylety jako napriklad Sopecny narodni park, botanickou zahradu, udoli Waipi'o, atd. Na teto strane ostrova nejsou zadne plaze, ale i tak se nam podarilo najit nejake misto na zaplavani. Druhou polovinu nasi dovolene jsme byli v meste Kona, ktere je mnohem vice turistictejsi, s vice plazemi a mistama na snorklovani. Dovolena byla super, teploty nebyly prilis vysoke, ale vysoka byla vlhkost ovzdusi a tak jsem si uvedomila, ze radeji travim cas hranim ve snehu nez ve velkem horku.

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