Monday, October 21, 2013

Mendocino 19. - 20. 10. 2013

Eric had a team building even through his work in Mendocino on Thursday and Friday and I thought it was great opportunity for another trip. I drove up to pick him up on Friday after work, it took me little bit longer than I expected (about 6 hours), but it was worth it. We spent Saturday morning kayaking around the coast and through caves near Mendocino. After nice lunch we walked around shops in the town since the weather wasn't that great; it was foggy and cold. On Sunday we went for very short hike, hoping for some sunshine, but since that didn't happen we decided to leave and spend more time in Anderson Valley. We stopped at three wineries for some wine tasting and small lunch.

Eric byl pracovne v Mendocinu ve ctvrtek a patek a ja jsem v tom videla dalsi prilezitost k vyletu. V patek jsem ho jela vyzvednout, coz mi trvalo dele nez jsem ocekavala (asi 6 hodin), ale stalo to za to. Sobotu rano jsme byli na kajacich okolo pobrezi a projizdeli jsme jeskyne pobliz Mendocina. Po peknem obede jsme prochazeli obchudky ve mestecku jelikoz pocasi nebylo zrovna nejlepsi, byla mlha a zima. V nedeli jsem sli na velice kratkou prochazku, doufali jsme, ze uvidime nejake slunicko, ale kdyz to se nestalo rozhodli jsme se odjet a stravit vide casu v udoli Anderson. Zastavili jsme se ve trech vinnych sklepech na ochutnavku vin a maly obed.

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