Friday, July 25, 2008

Desolation Wilderness 12. - 13. 7.08

We walked on this trail in March in my winter backpacking trip, but because we didn't know where exactly the trail was, we didn't make it too far. It was interesting to see the scenery in different month and surprisingly we weren't too far off the path. The climb was so strenuous that we wouldn't make it in the winter probably even if we new where to go.
It was so nice that we slept under the stars on one big rock!

Tuto cestu jsem sla uz jednou v Breznu na zimnim kempovani, ale protoze jsme nevedeli presne kudy vede cesta, tak jsme se daleko nedostali. Bylo zajimave videt krajinu v jinem mesici a prekvapive jsme zjistili, ze jsme nebyli az tak daleko od cesty. Cesta byla ale docela narocna a tak asi i kdybychom vedeli kudy vede, tak bychom nedosahly cile.
Bylo nadherne a tak jsme spali pod hvezdama na jedne velke skale!

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