It is a tradition that kids in Czech Republic go for a week or two to summer camp. I have tried to plan Czech style camping since year 2020. First two years were cancelled because of the Covid pandemic, but this year we managed to put together quite fun week for kids from 6 families. The theme was "Ctyrlistek" which are characters from one Czech comic. I think the kids and adults had fun, even though we had a bear visit the second day and some families almost left the camp.
Snazila jsem se naplanovat ceske kempovani uz od roku 2020. Prvni dva roky to nevyslo kvuli pandemii Covidu, ale tento rok se nam podarilo dat dohromady zabavny tyden pro deti ze 6 rodin. Tema byl Ctyrlistek. Myslim, ze deti i dospeli si to uzili, i kdyz jsme meli medvedi navstevu hned druhy den a nekolik rodin malem odjelo.