Tuesday, April 3, 2018

South Lake Tahoe 29. 3. - 1. 4. 2018

This year we didn't get to enjoy much snow because we thought that going to cold weather with a newborn is not a good idea. Since California got some late snow and the temperatures were relatively high, we decided to take a mini vacation and go to Tahoe for some skiing/snowshoeing in the spring. On Thursday and Friday I tried to teach Adam how to ski in the morning and in the afternoon I skied by myself while Eric took care of Emma and Adam. On Saturday and Sunday we went for hikes in the area.

Tento rok jsme si snehu moc neuzili, protoze jsme uznali za vhodne nebrat novorozene do zimy. Jelikoz v Kalifornii nasnezilo i na konci zimi a teploty byly pomerne vysoke, rozhodli jsme se vyrazit na malou dovolenou na Tahoe na jare. Ve ctvrek a patek jsem se  rano pokousela ucit Adamka lyzovat a odpoledne jsem lyzovala sama, zatimco se Eric staral o Emmicku a Adamka. V sobotu a nedeli jsme vyrazily na sneznice.