Monday, March 20, 2017

Dewey point - Yosemite NP 18. 3. 2017

It has become a tradition to go to Dewey point in Yosemite in the winter. This trip is organized by our friend Josh and it is always fun. We stay at Yosemite Bug hostel, which is about an hour from the trailhead, but it is great for big group. This year we had 5 children in the group. The weather wasn't looking great as the trip was approaching, but in the end it was quite nice.

Uz se to stalo tradici, ze chodime v zime na Dewey point v Yosemitech. Tento vylet je organizovan nasim kamaradem Joshem a je to vzdy zabava. Prespavame v hostelu Yosemite Bug, ktery je asi hodinu od zacatku trasy, ale je to dobre ubytovani pro velkou skupinu. Tento rok bylo ve skupine 5 deti. Pocasi zpocatku nevypadalo uplne nejlepe, ale nakonec bylo docela pekne.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Kings Canyon NP 3 - 4. 3. 2017

For a little change we went to Kings Canyon NP this weekend. The weather was very nice on Saturday and we did 5 mile hike to Panorama point, where we had our lunch and enjoyed the views. In the afternoon we watched a short movie at the visitor center about Kings canyon and then we decided to drive home. Even though the sky was completely blue, there was a snowstorm coming in the evening and we wouldn't be able to do anything on Sunday and the drive home would be dangerous.

Abychom udelali malou zmenu, vyrazili jsme do narodniho parku Kings Canyon. Pocasi bylo v sobotu moc pekne a tak jsme vyrazili na 8 km vyslap na Panorama point, kde jsme poobedvali a uzili si vyhled. Odpoledne jsme se pak podivali na kratky film o Kings Canyonu v navstevnickem centru a pote jsme jeli domu. I kdyz obloha byla uplne modra, mela vecer prijit snehova boure a stejne bychom v nedeli nikam nemohli a cesta domu by byla nebezpecna.