Sunday, February 14, 2010

Vancouver - Olympic Games 13.2. - 21.2. 2010

I always wanted to see Olympic Games so when I found out that I have one week of holidays the same time as the first week of Olympic Games in Vancouver the decision for my holiday destination was easy! On top of that my friend Iva lives there so I had another excuse to go and visit her. I was wondering how busy and crazy it can get in Olympic city, but it wasn't too bad. I went to see Ice hockey (Czech republic against Slovakia), Alpine skiing, Figure skating training and two victory ceremonies. The atmosphere in Ice hockey was amazing, I had great tickets and I sat just a couple of meters from our Czech players and the ice. At the Figure skating I saw our skater Brezina and our dance couple and my favorite Evgeni Plushenko. The trip to see Alpine skiing was mainly to get out to Whistler and feel the atmosphere at such a race since none of Czech athletes are very good. The victory ceremonies had great atmosphere especially since both times I went there was and Canadian athlete who won gold medal! And of course checked out the Olympic flame and just walked around the city. The weather was great and I had great time.

Vzdy jsem se chtela podivat na olympiadu a tak kdyz jsem zjistila, ze mam tyden prazdnin ve stejnou dobu jako prvni tyden Olympijskych her ve Vancouveru tak rozhodnuti o mych prazdninach bylo jednoduche! Navic moje kamaradka Iva tam bydli a tak jsem mela alespon dalsi vymluvu k jeji navsteve! Zajimalo me, jak divoke to bude v Olympijskem meste, ale nebylo to az tak hrozne. Byla jsem se podivat na ledni hokej (Ceska republika proti Slovensku), Alpske lyzovani, krasobruslarsky trening a dvoje vyhlasovani vytezu. Atmosfera na hokeji byla uzasna, zvlaste kdyz jsem mela dobre listky a sedela jsem jen par metru od ceske stridacky a ledu. Na krasobruslarskem treningu jsem videla nase krasobruslare Brezinu a tanecni par a meho oblibence Evgenije Plushenka. Vylet na Alpske lyzovani bylo hlavne abych se podivala do Whistleru a pocitila atmosferu na takovem zavode, zadny Cesky zavodnik totiz neni velice dobry. Vyhlasovani vitezu melo uzasnou atmosferu take, hlavne protoze jsem mela stesti a v obou pripadech jsem tam byla, kdyz Kanadsky zavodnik vyhral zlatou medaily! Samozrejme jsem se sla podivat na olympijsky ohen a prosla mestem. Pocasi bylo uzasne a ja jsem si to velice uzila!